7 Fun Friday Activities For Your Employees

fun friday activities

Friday is one of the best days of the week due to so many reasons. It is the last working day of the week for many, therefore, everybody wants to have a great time. Companies organize fun Friday activities so that employees can enjoy at the workplace.

Days like Fun Friday are the best way to keep employees charged and make them ready to take up any task related to their domain. It helps them in coping with the work stress and rejuvenate themselves.

In order to make Friday full of fun, one can try so many fun Friday activities. We have some of the best fun Friday activities for you. You can plan them and make other people enjoy them with limited resources, money and time. Then without any delay, let’s start the list. 

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7 Fun Friday Activities

Karaoke Competition

People have innate talents but due to personal reasons like family issues and shyness, they abandon pursuing their dream. You can find a number of singers around you, including in your office.

Organising a karaoke competition would be a great idea as everybody loves to sing and there would be a couple of people who wanted to be a singer. Give everyone a chance to showcase their singing talent and enjoy the best evening with the employees.

Resources that are required to organise an office karaoke competition include a loudspeaker, a set of karaoke tunes, a microphone, and a connection cable. Once you are ready with all these, you are good to go for an amazing fun Friday evening.

Truth or Dare

Truth or Dare is an evergreen game that everyone loves to play. Remember the days when you were a student and you used to play this with your friends and had great fun? The same fun can be brought to your office by organising a Truth or Dare play.

This game doesn’t need any special resources. You simply need to gather people around and explain the rules to them. You may include rules like, one shouldn’t give an inappropriate dare or ask a personal question. To maintain the decorum of the office, it is a must.

Once everyone is around and understood the rules of the game, start the game to have fun!

Movie Day

Well, who doesn’t love watching movies?! Although everybody likes to watch movies, people have different tastes in the genre. Keeping this in mind, you can organise a movie day at your office on the fun Friday. 

You need to have a projector, a large hall, a screen and a movie to watch. Also, don’t forget to bring cold drinks and snacks like popcorn for your employees to have a great time.

Tip: You can create a poll so that everyone provides their personal choice. In addition, it becomes easy for you to decide which movie to watch.  

Office Scavenger Hunt

You may have played or organised a scavenger hunt at your school or college but it can be great fun if you organise it in your office.

In order to organise it, you need to prepare a list of things that are less noticed and hard to find. Once you create the list, create as many copies are required. 

Gather everyone, explain the rules, and give them time to search for the items. Once the given timing is over, ask everyone to gather. One who found most of the listed items emerges as the winner of the game.

Sports Competition

Our working life becomes so hectic that we couldn’t devote our time to physical activities. Organising a sports competition at your office will provide a great opportunity for people to have fun and at the same time burn calories.

Indoors, you can organise sports like badminton, table tennis, dart, etc. But it would be better if you organise outdoor sports like cricket, basketball, football, track & field events, etc. 

Outdoor sports provide us with a great way to burn calories, breathe in the open air, train our body and at the same time have fun playing our favourite sport. 

Tip- Keep prizes for the winners and certificates for the participants so that they get encouraged. 

Game Tournament

Everybody owns a smartphone and gaming is one of the leisure activities that is loved equally by all. Then what could be better than organising a gaming competition in your office?! The gaming tournament is one of the fun Friday activities virtual.

Again, create a poll to finalise which game to play.  Once the game is finalized, ask everyone to install the same on their smartphones. Once everybody is ready, it is time to begin the tournament.

You can organise an online ludo, chess, racing games or mini militia so that multiplayer can participate at once. These are some of the most famous fun Friday games that you can play with your employees.

Before the competition begins, explain the fair rules to everyone. Also, don’t forget to appoint non-players judges so that they keep an eye on the progress of every individual participant. 

Poster Making

Do your company wants to spread a positive message? Companies have to play a major role in the upliftment of our society. Therefore, it becomes important to spread awareness and contribute to the welfare. 

Organising a poster-making activity will not only help you to appreciate the artists of your company but also provide you with a way to spread awareness. For example, you could ask the participants to create posters on girl children or save water.

Although it will need a lot of things like white paper, colours, pencils, etc. in large quantities it would create a very good image for your company. It could be one of the amazing fun Friday activities. 

Clicking pictures of the event and uploading them to LinkedIn and similar sites would increase your reach as well.

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